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Max and Anatol
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MAX: Well, friend, you have the solution of one of those enigmas which have puzzled the most brilliant men for ages, in your own hands: you need only speak, and you will know all that you wish to know. One question -- and you will know whether you are one of the few who are really loved exclusively -- or you can learn who your rival is and how he won his victory over you -- and yet you will not speak this word. You have been permitted to question Fate -- and you will not. You torture yourself day and night, you'd give half your life for the truth, and yet when it lies before you, you will not stoop to pick it up. And why not? Because it might happen that a woman whom you love is really just as you would have her, in all your imaginings, and because your illusion is a thousand times dearer to you than the truth. Enough of this trifling now. Wake the girl up, and be satisfied with the proud consciousness that you -- might have accomplished a miracle.